Only 5 weeks....
So I only have 5 weeks left till my maybe baby day, But it could be as soon as 2 weeks! That is so scary and exciting at the same time. Big brother is so ready to meet our baby boy. Who still has no name. But I'm okay with that. I think when I hold him in my arms for the first time, I will know just who he is suppose to be. My angel baby told me her name in my dreams. So maybe this baby will too?
I have been SO so so busy trying to get everything prepared, I have not gotten to sit down and write. And I have had so much I needed to talk about and express. Currently, Bug is sleeping and hubby is away watching a movie with a friend, So I am sitting here with little man in my belly, wiggling and hiccuping in my belly. We had an ultrasound today to make sure my placenta was not near my previous cesarean scar. Which it is NOT. And gives us more chances of having our successful HBAC.
I keep dreaming of this beautiful, peaceful, blissful birth. And each day brings me closer to it and meeting this rainbow baby.
I am going to be doing some reviews as soon as baby boy gets here, of some diapers I already own. But I also plan to contact some companies and see if I can get some cloth diaper or breastfeeding related items to review and possibly give away.
If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see me review, you are welcome to ask and I will see what I can do.
For now, I need to go do some laundry and wash baby clothes. Man I forgot how little these babies are. Haha. My little man is measuring at 5lb 1oz so far. But that is just a rough estimate, as late term ultrasounds are very inaccurate. But even so, I will have no problem if I have a 8 pound baby!!!
I hope I can get this blog back to what it used to be. I missed it so much. And I am so sorry I had to stop. I had some great followers and gained many friendships through the blog.
Way too long
I have been away, way too long. And my apologies for that. A lot has happened in the last year that has prevented me from doing what I love to do. And that is blog. My hope is that I can get this blog back up and running like it was before. The past year has been full of happiness and sadness. I got pregnant in march of last year and we found out in may, that we had lost our baby. I wanted so many times just to write, but I didn't know how. Well 6 months to the day, that we lost our angel, we found out that we were pregnant again. I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with our angel baby. So I would really love to get back to blogging and doing reviews for some great companies. But before that happens, some changes need to be made to the blog. I am contemplating a name change. But am not 100% sure on that, because then I will have to create a new layout and facebook page, and so much more. I am so happy to have a reason to blog again. Because life got me down so much. I know I still have a few reviews that I need to post, from last year, And those will be the first things up. I plan to focus more on natural parenting aspects of my life. I could sit here and go on and on about how hellish the last year was, but instead, I will share a few pictures. <3
Our angel Baby.
Double rainbow that appeared outside our home the month before we conceived our Rainbow baby
Our BFP 6 months to the day we lost our sweet angel.
Our Rainbow baby at 20 weeks
Excited big brother
We finally tied the knot. <3
My New hubby, myself and our sweet little man.
Life could not be better than it is right now. I have attended 4 births as a doula in the past year. And plan to attend many more in the coming year. Bug is very excited to be a big brother and we are so ready to meet our new little man, who will be remaining intact and birthed at home. (Planning a home VBAC)
Here's to a new start and a bright future.
Here's to a new start and a bright future. Review
As a blogger, it is my utmost responsibility to give honest and true reviews. I have to say, that my first impression of was not the best. They did have issues with returning emails and it took quite a time to hear back from them. I was not the only blogger that had issues with them. But I decided to wait it out and see if they changed their customer services.
I received 2 keychains for review. A corvette keychain for my hubby. And a photo keychain for myself. At first when I received the keychains I thought everything was great. Until I gave the corvette keychain to my hubby who noticed a very big issue with it. "Corvette" was spelled wrong. I immediately contacted wholesale kechains. But again, the reply took over 3 weeks. They wanted a picture of the faulty product. I sent it to them and again took over 2 weeks to hear back. They did send a replacement that took another 2 weeks. But the product was perfect.
The Keychain on the right is the faulty one. It is spelled "CORFETTE" The "E" is an "F"
They keychain on the left is the replacement that is flawless.The replacement.
The Faulty Product.
I also received a photo keychain. I have yet to figure out how to use it, even with reading the directions I could not figure it out for the life of me. I tried to hook it up to 3 different computers and none of them would register the device. As sleek is this picture keychain is, It just did not like me.
Even though the customer services is super slow, I stuck it out and made sure to give them a chance to make the wrong, right. And they did. That is something I love about the company. The other bloggers I spoke to that had issues, did not give them the chance to make it right. Though it did take around 2 months or so for that to happen, I wanted to give them that chance. Every company has faults. But they also deserve the chance to fix any problems that may arise. And I can speak from experience that this company may have had a few faults, But they did everything that they could to make it right and that is all that matters in a company.
I do recommend you get a keychain from them only because the engraving services are lovely. I thought I had a picture of the engraving on our keychain but I can't seem to find it. But it really is lovely. Though my experience was not the best, the products are amazing and if you have any issues with your products, you can be sure that they will make it right.
I also received a photo keychain. I have yet to figure out how to use it, even with reading the directions I could not figure it out for the life of me. I tried to hook it up to 3 different computers and none of them would register the device. As sleek is this picture keychain is, It just did not like me.
Even though the customer services is super slow, I stuck it out and made sure to give them a chance to make the wrong, right. And they did. That is something I love about the company. The other bloggers I spoke to that had issues, did not give them the chance to make it right. Though it did take around 2 months or so for that to happen, I wanted to give them that chance. Every company has faults. But they also deserve the chance to fix any problems that may arise. And I can speak from experience that this company may have had a few faults, But they did everything that they could to make it right and that is all that matters in a company.
I do recommend you get a keychain from them only because the engraving services are lovely. I thought I had a picture of the engraving on our keychain but I can't seem to find it. But it really is lovely. Though my experience was not the best, the products are amazing and if you have any issues with your products, you can be sure that they will make it right.
I'm Back.....
It has been a long break for me, but I am back.
I have some exciting new coming up in the next few weeks, But I will not say what it is just yet. I do have a few reviews and giveaways to post. I have been really busy lately and I am sorry that I have been away. I have just been adjusting to life as a semi working mother. I have not even been home to think about blogging. But right now I believe is the perfect time to get back into the swing of things, As I need a place to vent and just talk about stuff. And also try some awesome new products. I have a great line up of stuff to review. I can't wait. I hope my loyal readers are not mad at me for being gone too long. But I am back and better than ever.
I have some exciting new coming up in the next few weeks, But I will not say what it is just yet. I do have a few reviews and giveaways to post. I have been really busy lately and I am sorry that I have been away. I have just been adjusting to life as a semi working mother. I have not even been home to think about blogging. But right now I believe is the perfect time to get back into the swing of things, As I need a place to vent and just talk about stuff. And also try some awesome new products. I have a great line up of stuff to review. I can't wait. I hope my loyal readers are not mad at me for being gone too long. But I am back and better than ever.
Sunset Dimmer Review & Giveaway
This Review and Giveaway is brought to you by Sunset Dimmer
Ever have a kid that is afraid of the dark, But you are dreading leaving the night light on ALL NIGHT? Well there is now a solution..... The Sunset Dimmer. This nifty little invention slowly dims your lamp, night light or any type of light that plugs in. It slowly over a course of 30 mins dims your light so that it does not waste electricity. So if you have a child that is afraid of the dark, you no longer have to worry about leaving a light on full blast all night long. The sunset dimmer will slowly fade the light away as your child drifts off to sleep. And it can be set to turn completely off, or to stay in night light mode in which it stays at a very dim level all night.
If you have a outlet that is set up to a switch, you can easily reset the sunset dimmer to full mode to slowly dim again if your child wakes up. This feature comes in handy for a child that gets up multiple times a night.
Our experience with the sunset dimmer has been great. Bug loves to sit there and push the button to make the light come back on when he needs light. This thing has been an absolute life saver for my man. I love how simple it is. At first we did have a learning curve to it. But it took some getting used to, for me to get it to work properly. This thing is a great little gadget. I think anyone who is having trouble with their little one and bed time because of the darkness should have one of these things.
Buy It:
You can buy a Sunset Dimmer for $14.95 on amazon.
Ever have a kid that is afraid of the dark, But you are dreading leaving the night light on ALL NIGHT? Well there is now a solution..... The Sunset Dimmer. This nifty little invention slowly dims your lamp, night light or any type of light that plugs in. It slowly over a course of 30 mins dims your light so that it does not waste electricity. So if you have a child that is afraid of the dark, you no longer have to worry about leaving a light on full blast all night long. The sunset dimmer will slowly fade the light away as your child drifts off to sleep. And it can be set to turn completely off, or to stay in night light mode in which it stays at a very dim level all night.
If you have a outlet that is set up to a switch, you can easily reset the sunset dimmer to full mode to slowly dim again if your child wakes up. This feature comes in handy for a child that gets up multiple times a night.
Our experience with the sunset dimmer has been great. Bug loves to sit there and push the button to make the light come back on when he needs light. This thing has been an absolute life saver for my man. I love how simple it is. At first we did have a learning curve to it. But it took some getting used to, for me to get it to work properly. This thing is a great little gadget. I think anyone who is having trouble with their little one and bed time because of the darkness should have one of these things.
Buy It:
You can buy a Sunset Dimmer for $14.95 on amazon.
Win It:
Because the people at Sunset dimmer are so amazing, they are giving away 2 units. 1 to 2 different winners. How amazing is that? I am so excited to host this giveaway because this is such a great product that everyone should know about.
How to enter:
Please enter only on the rafflecopter form. Comments are lovely, But do not qualify for entries.
The giveaway is open to US Residents only. You must be 18+ to enter.
I was provided products for review. No compensation was received. All opinions are my own and you personal experience may differ.
Facebook/Twitter are in no way associated with this giveaway.
I am still around...
I promise you, I am still here, I am just very busy with getting my forms and requirements done for my doula certification. I have not been home much to blog, as Doula school is not book work. Well it is sorta, I have to read 10+ books. I am not a big reader, but I am really enjoying these books because they are parenting books. But it is hard getting any reading time in as Bug has been more needy of me lately and I am not sure why. He is being very sensitive. Wanting to sleep in our bed more which I don't mind I just want my bug back. I am currently typing this with one hand as my other hand is being held by him. And he just fell back asleep. Ok. Just got my hand back. LOL.
Anyways, Like I was saying, I am working through Birth Arts International to get my Doula certification. I already have 2 clients lined up, so I have not been home as I have been running around town doing things for my clients and for my certification. I promise I will be posting more often. But I have so much to do before completion of my certification, I just want to do it all now and as fast as I can, So I have time to come back to my blog. I am slowly adding a giveaway here and there. I will have more, I promise. I have a ton lined up. Just please bear with me in this transition in my life.
Thank you.
Anyways, Like I was saying, I am working through Birth Arts International to get my Doula certification. I already have 2 clients lined up, so I have not been home as I have been running around town doing things for my clients and for my certification. I promise I will be posting more often. But I have so much to do before completion of my certification, I just want to do it all now and as fast as I can, So I have time to come back to my blog. I am slowly adding a giveaway here and there. I will have more, I promise. I have a ton lined up. Just please bear with me in this transition in my life.
Thank you.
World's Best Cat Litter Review & Giveaway
This review and giveaway is brought to you by World's Best Cat Litter.
Since we rescued our kitty a few months back, I have been looking for a natural option to cat litter. I had heard so many bad things about other companies and how the dust from the litter can be breathed in by kitty and cause harm to their lungs. And I knew I wanted to do everything I could to keep my princess healthy. So I did some research and found World's Best Cat Litter. The customer service was amazing. And shipping was lighting fast. I had to finish the last bit of litter we had before I could start using World's Best Cat Litter, And we have now been using it for just over a month and a half, I have to say, I am very impressed. Let me tell you why.
This cat litter is like none other on the market. It is made from whole kernel corn. And the best part is, you can smell the corn. I have always loved earthy smells, and this makes changing the litter so bearable. It contains no dust for kitty's to inhale. It is a safe natural alternative cat litter. I was worried that Moonlight would not care for it, because it's texture is also unlike any others out there. It is fine and light. Maybe too much so. I only say that, because Moonlight likes to kick a cup of litter out of the box each time she goes potty. And this is not because of the litter but because of not having a covered box. So that is next on my list of things to buy for her. But other than that she really seems to like it.
The smell. Oh the smell... Oh wait, you can't smell anything with this litter. That is another great feature. You don't smell the box. You wouldn't even know that we had a cat if you came into our house because the litter absorbs the smell and holds it tight. We did run out of Earthborn Holistic food for her and hubby stupidly bought Meow Mix which has given her the runs again, So needless to say he is not allow to go shopping for the cat anymore as her little tummy can't handle the junk cat food. But the litter does seem to contain the smell of even the worst poops that comes from this cat. The only time you can smell anything is when she does not cover it, which is frequently. But she still manages to throw litter out of the box. Crazy cat. But I have to say, this litter is a win win for us. And because of that when I asked to review Mr.Chewy's service (Review to come) I ordered a 30lb bag of World's best cat litter. So needless to say, we will not be running out of this amazing product anytime soon.
I love that this product comes in multiple forms. Single Cat, Multiple Cat's and Scented Multiple Cat's.
I can not speak for the Multiple Cat's and Scented Multiple Cat's Litter, but I can only imagine they are 100 times better than the single formula. Since they are meant for more cat's they will work better on the smells and such.
World's best cat litter is different because it is Pet and People friendly, It is quick clumping, One 7lb bag can last you a whole month with a single cat because of the quick clumping it keeps the rest of the litter dry and does not allow the urine to seep to the bottom of the litter box and does not allow the litter to stick to the sides of the box. It is also earth friendly because it uses renewable resources. Whole Kernel Corn. There is nothing about this litter I don't like. Except that my cat likes to fling it around the bathroom. But again, That is due to not having a covered box, not because of the litter itself.
If you are a human to a cat, then you should really try this litter. And guess what? Because World's Best Cat Litter Customer service is so amazing, They are offering (3)7-8lb bags to 3 different winners. 1 Bag per reader that wins. So how do you win?
How to Win:
Please enter only on the rafflecopter form. Comments are lovely, But do not qualify for entries.
The giveaway is open to US and Canada Residents only. You must be 18+ to enter.
I was provided products for review. No compensation was received. All opinions are my own and you personal experience may differ.
Facebook/Twitter are in no way associated with this giveaway.
Smith Farm's All Natural Skin Care Products {Review & Giveaway}
I was super excited when I was approved to review items from Smith Farms. I knew how badly I needed something new and different and all of the amazing products they carry was just what I needed. I was given the option to pick a few items that I wanted to try. I picked their Shea Butter Lip Balm, Lavender Goats milk soap and Vitamin Rich Hand cream. I have to say, I am very pleased with each item that I picked.
Smith Farms is based in Canada. Owned and operated by 2 sisters who had a dream for something bigger. Something more natural and healthy. They found their calling. Smith Farms is named after their farm they lived on growing up. I think this is amazing having such wonderful roots to a place like their farm and family.
All of their items are naturally based and have all natural ingredients. No crazy words you can't pronounce. No harmful or scary chemicals. Only good stuff like Aloe Vera Juice, Apricot Kernel Oil, Beeswax, Calendula, Castor Oil, And more. For their full Ingredients list and what each ingredient does, check out their page just for Ingredients.
The item I received, They all are amazing. I have a major problem with dry lips. And the Shea Butter Lip Balm has worked wonders. I have been searching for so long for a balm that will actually help my poor lips. They crack and bleed, They peel and bleed. It is terrible. And now bug is starting to have the same problem. I'm so glad that I found an amazing product that in one day, can get my lips soft, smooth and beautiful again, and can help bugs lips heal and not hurt him.
The bar of Lavender Goat's milk soap is divine. It really is. I love how soft and smooth my body is after a shower the one bar has last me about 3 weeks so far, so unlike other's I have tried before, it lasts a lot longer. So It is a great value, and it works like it says it will. I will be buying more of this soap and possibly selling it once I get my Doula site set up.
The hand cream. Oh my goodness. What can I say about it? Well one word. Luscious. I have tried many hand creams in the past for my dry hands, and none ever work or they work and then I have to re-apply a few hours later. Nope, not this hand cream. I put it on once in the morning and I'm good all day. Even after I wash my hands, They are still silky smooth as if I just applied. I am completely sold in it. I carry it around in my purse incase my sister or someone needs lotion. And I tell them about this awesome hand cream and where to buy it.
I highly recommend all of the items that I tried out. These are some of the best I have ever tried. Really. I am in love. So much so, that I want to sell them in my soon to be boutique for my Doula clients. It will be a few months until I can afford to start buying stuff to sell, But It is a dream I will make happen.
Buy It:
You can buy any of the items I received from Smith Farms Online with Free shipping over orders of $75.
If you are in Canada, Please check their site for a local retailer.
Win It:
Smith Farms has offered 1 of my readers a tube of hand cream just like I received. How amazing is that? You will love it. I can't wait to share this with one of you lucky ladies.
Win It:
Smith Farms has offered 1 of my readers a tube of hand cream just like I received. How amazing is that? You will love it. I can't wait to share this with one of you lucky ladies.
How to win:
Please enter only on the rafflecopter form. Comments are lovely, But do not qualify for entries.
The giveaway is open to US and Canada Residents only. You must be 18+ to enter.
I was provided products for review. No compensation was received. All opinions are my own and you personal experience may differ.
Facebook/Twitter are in no way associated with this giveaway.
Facebook/Twitter are in no way associated with this giveaway.
Ozeri Wine Bottle Opener Review
I was contacted by Ozeri again and asked if I would like to review a wine bottle opener. Since it was close to Valentines day, I thought why not? I'd pick up a bottle of wine and enjoy a glass or two one evening and try out this awesome product. I was super excited when my package came in the mail. I rushed off to the store and bought a nice bottle of wine. I had not had a glass in a very long time. So it was nice to be able to relax and watch a movie with a glass of wine. This wine bottle opener made it super simple. It has a very nifty foil cutter for around the top of the bottle. And the way it uncorks the bottle is super simple. I love this bottle opener. I loaned it to hubby's work so that they can use it for their wine. They are a privately owned movie theater that serves beer and wine. So it will be put to greater use that here at home. They have already told me how fast it opens the bottles. With the fast paced work environment they deal with, This product helps them a great deal. I love that it lights up when you press it down onto the bottle. This is unlike any other bottle opener I have ever seen. Though Valentines day is past, I highly recommend buying one of these bottle openers for your home or business. It is amazing.
You can purchase one on Amazon. They are on sale right now for a limited time for an extra 25% off for Valentines Day Until supplies last. So hurry before they run out. Ozeri Wine Opener's Are amazing.
You can purchase one on Amazon. They are on sale right now for a limited time for an extra 25% off for Valentines Day Until supplies last. So hurry before they run out. Ozeri Wine Opener's Are amazing.
Pretty light.
Foil cutter
Natural Family Planning with Fairhaven Health products Review & Giveaway
This review and giveaway is brought to you by Fairhaven Health.
For the past 2 years I have been trying to get my cycles in line so that once we decide to get pregnant again, things will go smoothly. We all know that our bodies are a mystery. And we don't always know what they are doing. It is hard and frustrating when you want to become pregnant. Everywhere you look you see women announcing their pregnancy, or having their babies. You want to be happy for them, but when your own body will not work like it is suppose to for something you want so badly, it is hard to feel happy for them.
I have been trying to track my cycles to ease my mind for when we are ready to start trying. My cycles after Bug was born would seem normal. But that was because I was put on hormonal birth control after he was born. That was my very first mistake. I was very uneducated and allowed myself to take hormonal birth control for a year after he was born. After that year, I refused to take anymore because I was always getting sick from it. I did not like the way it made me feel at all. I knew I needed a change. So it has been 2 years and I have been tracking through CM, CP and Charting on my phone. I have a nifty iPhone app that allows me to put in a ton of information. But it was not helping me pinpoint my ovulation. My cycles were still very off. My calendar would show I was suppose to be ovulating, but my body would not ovulate until a week after. Which, obviously in-turn would cause my period to be late. And we all know, the two week wait is the worse. So you go and buy a ton of tests. And test after test is BFN. (Big Fat Negative) But you are 7 and 10 days late. But still getting BFN's. It is frustrating. So I wanted to try something new.
I contacted Fairhaven health and asked if I could review their Fertile Focus. Fertile Focus is a personal ovulation microscope. It is super compact and is the size of a lipstick. It is very simple to use. Every morning when I wake up, I put some saliva on the microscope and wait for it to dry. It is very neat. But you have to make sure you do not drink anything prior to using it as it washes the ferns away in your saliva. There is a nifty little button that you use to look through it and it lights it up. It is so intriguing that I never knew saliva ferns when ovulating. I find myself looking through the scope for a good 15 minutes. Because it is so neat. I can say that this neat little product has helped me pinpoint ovulation. Again, this is great for Natural family planning because it can help you avoid love making or it can help you know when to make love to better your chance of conceiving. We have personally be using it to abstain (for now) until hubby is ready.

(This is someone's real ferns just days before ovulation. This was taken from the website. I could not capture my own ferns clear enough to share)
I also received a Basal Body Thermometer. I had heard that one of the best ways to figure out your ovulation day is to track through BBT. (Basal Body Temp) The difference between this thermometer and normal thermometers is that this thermometer shows and extra digit of your temperature. What do I mean? Instead of say 98.7 it would show 98.77 or 97.67 Those last digits show your peak of ovulation when it rises. With using this thermometer every day, every morning while still in bed (once you get up and moving around your temperature changes, so it's best to do it first thing in the morning) And recording it in my phone app. You have to make sure you do it everyday to get the most accurate reading. It does have a learning curve, as I would take my temperature and it would show up 2 different readings. But other than that, It is helping me figure out my cycles.
My body is really crazy though, because like I said before, my calendar would say I would be ovulating, but my body would not be ovulating. And throw my whole cycle off. For the past year that I have been tracking my cycles, they go from 28 days to 36 days and each month it is different. So I can not go by what a calendar tells me. These 2 devices have helped me figure out approximately when I do ovulate. I am not quite there yet. Nor am I ready for a BFP (Big fat positive) as much as I would love it. As a couple, we are not jointly ready. And I believe that BOTH husband and wife should be ready in the decision to have another child. My hubby says "If it happens it happens" We are taking no great lengths to prevent it. So who knows. Maybe deep down, he is ready. He just does not want to admit it. One can only hope right?
Buy it:
You can buy both the Ovulation Microscope and BBT from Fairhaven Health
You will not be disappointed. In the products or the loving customer service. They always ship items discreetly and super fast.
Win it:
Fairhaven Health has offered both of these products to you for a giveaway. Since I feel that both items together help a great deal in TTC, that both items should be given away to 1 reader.
How to win
I contacted Fairhaven health and asked if I could review their Fertile Focus. Fertile Focus is a personal ovulation microscope. It is super compact and is the size of a lipstick. It is very simple to use. Every morning when I wake up, I put some saliva on the microscope and wait for it to dry. It is very neat. But you have to make sure you do not drink anything prior to using it as it washes the ferns away in your saliva. There is a nifty little button that you use to look through it and it lights it up. It is so intriguing that I never knew saliva ferns when ovulating. I find myself looking through the scope for a good 15 minutes. Because it is so neat. I can say that this neat little product has helped me pinpoint ovulation. Again, this is great for Natural family planning because it can help you avoid love making or it can help you know when to make love to better your chance of conceiving. We have personally be using it to abstain (for now) until hubby is ready.

(This is someone's real ferns just days before ovulation. This was taken from the website. I could not capture my own ferns clear enough to share)
I also received a Basal Body Thermometer. I had heard that one of the best ways to figure out your ovulation day is to track through BBT. (Basal Body Temp) The difference between this thermometer and normal thermometers is that this thermometer shows and extra digit of your temperature. What do I mean? Instead of say 98.7 it would show 98.77 or 97.67 Those last digits show your peak of ovulation when it rises. With using this thermometer every day, every morning while still in bed (once you get up and moving around your temperature changes, so it's best to do it first thing in the morning) And recording it in my phone app. You have to make sure you do it everyday to get the most accurate reading. It does have a learning curve, as I would take my temperature and it would show up 2 different readings. But other than that, It is helping me figure out my cycles.
My body is really crazy though, because like I said before, my calendar would say I would be ovulating, but my body would not be ovulating. And throw my whole cycle off. For the past year that I have been tracking my cycles, they go from 28 days to 36 days and each month it is different. So I can not go by what a calendar tells me. These 2 devices have helped me figure out approximately when I do ovulate. I am not quite there yet. Nor am I ready for a BFP (Big fat positive) as much as I would love it. As a couple, we are not jointly ready. And I believe that BOTH husband and wife should be ready in the decision to have another child. My hubby says "If it happens it happens" We are taking no great lengths to prevent it. So who knows. Maybe deep down, he is ready. He just does not want to admit it. One can only hope right?
Buy it:
You can buy both the Ovulation Microscope and BBT from Fairhaven Health
You will not be disappointed. In the products or the loving customer service. They always ship items discreetly and super fast.
Win it:
Fairhaven Health has offered both of these products to you for a giveaway. Since I feel that both items together help a great deal in TTC, that both items should be given away to 1 reader.
How to win
Only rafflecopter entries are accepted. You must complete the mandatory entry/ies before any extra entries are completed otherwise all entries are VOID. You must be 18 years old or older and live in the US .
All winners must respond within 48 hours of being contacted. Or a new winner will be chosen.
This giveaway will end on 3/3/12 at midnight
I was provided with products for this review. No monetary compensation was provided. All views are my own and your experience may differ.
This giveaway will end on 3/3/12 at midnight
I was provided with products for this review. No monetary compensation was provided. All views are my own and your experience may differ.
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